Brand Messaging & Story Development
Concerned your message is not clear and concise and doesn’t resonate with your typical buyer?
Do You Have a Story To Tell About Your Business, but You Don’t Know How To Tell It?
Many business owners have a valuable story to communicate to existing and prospective clients but may not have the skills to tell the story. WSI Marketing Upside brings 25+ years of marketing and advertising experience with big brands to the table to help you tell your story. We’ll listen to your thoughts about your business value proposition and organize it into a cohesive story that you can describe on your website and as part of your other marketing communication efforts.

Do You Know the Elements You Need To Identify To Tell Your Story?
Many businesses haven’t thought about their buyer persona when they think about how to tell their story. We believe in starting with an understanding of your customer and their perspective to tell the story. What are their pain points? What are their problems? Why do they buy, and what results do they expect from working with your company? We’ll help you think through all the story pieces and put them together in a way that is easy for your customers and potential customers to digest.

Do You See Yourself as the Hero of Your Brand Value Story or Your Customer’s?
If you are positioning yourself as the story’s hero, you are likely turning your customer “off” when you communicate. That’s because your customers don’t want to work with a hero. They want to work with a navigator who can point them in the right direction and help them steer their ship’s golden treasures and long-term success to win the day as the hero of the story while avoiding any potential hidden sandbars and rocks. We’ll show you how to use customer-centric language to position yourself as the navigator, so they see you as their trusted advisor.

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