Conversion Rate Optimization
Conversion rate optimization sounds complex, but it’s not. If you get 100 people to your website and one of them contacts you, then you have a 1% conversion rate. Your website must answer three questions for a visitor. If you want your visitors to dig deeper into your website and ultimately call you or fill out a form, your website must answer three basic questions.
Am I in the right place?
Said another way, what does your company do? Can you solve my problem? Fancy tag lines with corporate speak often sound nice, but are not effective at explaining “what you do” or how you can help solve a problem for your average visitor.

How do I feel about this site?
Said another way, can I trust this company? What information do I see that makes me feel good about doing business with this company? If your site doesn’t have some basic trust factors, then your visitors are likely to leave.

What do I do here?
Said another way, where do I go next? What information trailheads do I want to investigate? Where should I start my journey engaging with this website? If your site doesn’t have visual cues like pictures and icons to tell a visitor where to go, they may leave without looking at the menu bar.

Did You Know?
There are fundamental principles for conversion rate optimization or CRO. Here are some stats related to CRO that might make you think twice:
Companies that have a rotating banner on their home page tend to see a decrease of 10-15% in lead conversion
Your phone number is your number one trust factor. It tells visitors that they can “reach out and touch you” when needed.
Only about 22 percent of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.
68% of small businesses don’t have a documented CRO strategy.